Sunday, February 9, 2020

Grooming and Keeping Your Pug Puppy Clean

Once your Pug puppy is home with you and your family from the Pug breeder, you will want to start a schedule for grooming and cleaningyour puppy. This is not only important for the appearance of your new Pug puppy but also for its health and well being. It's not something that we often think about but puppies can not only produce an odor when not cleansed or groomed often but also may developed matted areas of fur and skin allergies as well.

Properly grooming your Pug puppy will make you and yourpuppy feel very happy. The fur is the main area that will need to be groomed. This involves trimming of the fur, brushing and or combing of the fur. With longhaired puppies you may want to comb through on a daily basis, trimming at areas that may be matted or may have a tendency to become matted. With curly and woolly dog breeds you will have to brush them every day to avoid any knots which tend to come about more frequently. The short-haired dogs with close tight hair or fur will only need a combing or brushing every two or three weeks. This is solely up you as the new owner but our recommendations should be kept in mind.

You will also need to do regular checking of your Pug puppy's paws. This will include trimming of the nails as well. You will need to check for any kind of dirt or debris that can become lodged in between the toes. This is especially important if your dog spends a great deal of time outdoors. The nails will need to be trimmed every few weeks. This will help your Pug puppy with movement as well as prevent any ingrown nails that can grow inward into the paw pads. This can be extremely painful for the pup and will cost quite a bit at the vets office to have removed and then closed up. To avoid this problem you must do a check every two weeks. Trimming of the nails will also save your furniture as well. If you have hardwood floors you will want to make sure your Pug puppy's nails are trimmed to avoid any damage. If your Pug puppy's nails are making clicking noises on your floors, then your pup may need a trimming.

Ear care is very important for your little Pug puppy. As a rule, the ears should always be a pale pink color and should not carry a fowl odor. If you notice anything odd you should take your Pug puppy over to your vet to get checked. Cleaning your Pug puppy's ears is a fairly easy task. You will want to wet a cotton swab or pad with a little bit of warm water and gently clean the inner areas of the ear. You only want to go as far as you can see and never go deep into the ear canal. Cleaning of the ears should be done just about as regularly as you would groom the outside of your Pug puppy.

Dental care for your Pug puppy is important as well. Cleaning of your dog's teeth should start at a very early age. As soon as the teeth start showing dental care should begin. Poor dental care is one of the main causes of early health problems in Pug dogs. Decay of the mouth and teeth can lead to serious kidney and liver disease. This can lead to an early death. You should brush your Pug's teeth as often as possible and take your pup into your vet once a year for a thorough cleaning.

Checking and cleaning your Pug's eyes should be done at least every couple of days. You will want to see clean and clear eyes. Any sign of drainage or cloudiness is not preferred. To clean the eye area you will want to take a moist cotton swab and gently wipe the outer areas to remove any discharge. To remove any discoloration of the fur around the eyes, there are a few products that can remove these stains and prevent new ones. One product that has been highly praised for this common problem is Angels' Eyes. This product safely removes tear stains without any harmful chemicals and is completely wheat free.

Bathing your Pug dog is another way to get rid of most of the smelly odors that most dogs carry. At first sniff, if your dog has a smelly odor then you will certainly want to bathe your Pug puppy. Most dogs will need to be bathed once every two weeks. The exception will be the curly or woolly breeds, they only require a bathing every two months or so. Always remember to use the special dog shampoos; never use human shampoo. The special formula for dogs is designed to remove dirt and odor but still leave behind the essential oils under the fur that your Pug needs.

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